Vault Collections
The Right Coverage for When Things Go Wrong
Safeguarding your collections means more than an insurance policy. These pieces are often one-of-a-kind, heirlooms, or limited edition – and, therefore, difficult or impossible to replace.
Using these passions as investment pieces to diversify portfolios is becoming increasingly common. Because passions and profits overlap, these luxury collections must be insured at their true value and proactively protected.
Typical homeowner’s policies offer limited coverage for valuable items such as fine jewelry, luxury art, and vintage wine, which may get lost, stolen, or damaged. We ensure your collection is properly insured and help you establish a maintenance plan.
Coverage Highlights
We provide coverage for newly acquired valuable articles belonging to the same class up to the existing coverage limits for that class. We must be notified of the new item and coverage must be requested to receive this benefit. In addition, for any one valuable article, we offer enhanced protection, paying up to 150% above the scheduled value if needed, to fully cover the replacement cost.
Risk mitigation and care are key to protecting your collectibles. Vault Risk Advisors will help connect you to risk services such as valuation, appraisals, conservation, video documentation, couture garment services, and packing, storage, and transit services.
We will provide the full amount for a pair or set of jewelry or art in the event of a loss. An agreement to surrender remaining part(s) to Vault is required for this coverage.
Discounted Pricing with Updated Appraisals**:
Vault provides a premium discount for those who maintain updated appraisals for their scheduled valuables. We are happy to recommend qualified local appraisers for such regular assessments.
Vault provides coverage anywhere in the world.
Vault offers reduced and competitive rates for rarely worn jewelry kept in a bank vault or safety deposit box.
Diane* Bought a 12ct Diamond Ring at an Auction and Secured it in a Bank Vault for Years.
The ring had a bit of an unusual history. It had belonged to a well-known lawyer who was caught in a Ponzi scheme. His wife had refused to give up the ring until her arrest.Diane kept the ring secured at a bank for years and insured through Vault. But one day, she decided to take it from the bank safe and wear it out shopping.
While shopping, the large centerpiece diamond fell out and was lost. Two Vault adjusters went back to retrace her steps and look for the 12ct diamond. But in the end, the diamond remained lost.
Because of this stroke of bad luck upon wearing the ring for the first time, Diane came to believe the ring was cursed because of its history.
In reality, the ring had not been maintained during those years in storage, and probably prior. Diane hadn’t realized she should have had the ring inspected before wearing it out.
Vault helped Diane set up a jewelry maintenance plan for her other pieces and provided replacement cost payment for the lost ring.
*names and some details have been changed

Experience The Vault Difference
Why choose Vault? Because we offer exceptional customer service, the fastest claims response time, and industry-leading custom insurance solutions.
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